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Weight Loss and Fitness

For over 20 years Dr. David has been helping patients to lose their weight and keep it off forever. His goal is to help you lose body fat, NOT water weight or muscle. His methods had become so popular and successful that in 1996 he became the Founder and Director of Dr. David’s Weight Loss Centers, Ltd. Dr. David’s weight loss program has appeared on the front cover of Women's World Magazine (because of its enormous success) and one of his patients was featured on the cover of Shape Magazine. Dr. David has been interviewed by, and quoted, in countless national magazines and newspapers. In addition to acting as a medical consultant to personal fitness trainers in southern California, his patients have included members of The U.S. Olympic Team (including a silver medalist).

Over the years, Dr. David has helped thousands of men and women alike, not only to lose their weight, but also to markedly reduce their body fat and keep it off. As the co-creator of the Slim Secret Weight Loss System and as Medical Director of the company that created and marketed Slim Fusion, Dr. David continues to help people shed that fat. As a fitness buff, weight trainer and sports enthusiast, himself, Dr. David is a former marathon runner and puts health and fitness as a top priority.



Secrets to a Slimmer You

  Secrets to a Slimmer You is packed with very exciting, little-known tips to assist you in slimming down.  it also lets you specifically target Body Fat and helps you keep it off forever.

No matter how much you think you already know or have already heard, you will be amazed at the valuable tricks and short cuts you will learn that will help speed you on your way to success.

Dr. David enlightens you on the things that most people don't know.  He will show you why most people lack permanent success because they attempt to slim down by doing all of the wrong things.

Dr. David's fitness techniques have helped countless people achieve their weight management goals without dieting.

Secrets to a Slimmer You
Only $19.95 + $4.50 shipping / handling  
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Contents of Secrets to a Slimmer You

This is just a small sample of the hundreds of tips, tricks, and pearls of wisdom for changing your life which are included in the program

Introduction To Dr. David:
  • Experience and Credentials   listen
How To Eat In General:
Foods...General and Specific:
  • Water intake/fat excretion  listen
  • Caffeine/alcohol and water intake  listen
  • Using cold water to BURN FAT  listen
  • Men’s spare tire/women’s thighs and 
  • Aerobic exercises  listen
  • Muscle mass and fat loss  listen
  • Intensity and duration levels for optimum 
    fat loss 
  • Breaking up your workout  listen
  • Intensity and breathlessness  listen
  • Maximizing fat burning efficiency  listen


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website feedback: webmaster@drdavedavid.com